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Wondering where and how to watch Chivas vs Santos?

15/06/2022 09:13 / Omar González

Chivas is looking to stay on the right track towards the 2022 Opening Tournament when it plays its first game of the Rebaño Tour in the United States this Wednesday when it takes on Santos Laguna at the Rio Tinto Stadium at 8:30 p.m. (7:30 local time), a match that fans of the red-and-white team can follow on any of the broadcast options, both in Mexico and in North American territory.

Guadalajara vs Santos Laguna
Preseason Match AP22
Wednesday, June 15 / 8:30 PM (TCM) - 7:30 PM (Local Time)
Rio Tinto Stadium


- Internet: ESPN Digital 


- Television: ESPN Deportes


Position Teams Matches Points
11 8 8
12 7 8
13 8 8
14 7 7
15 8 7

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