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Veljko Paunovic's unexpected visits to these players

07/04/2023 16:50 / Javier Quezada

Veljko Paunovic is a man who lives soccer 24/7 and in recent days he has taken advantage of the holiday period in our country to surprise and get close to Chivas' future promises, he has visited the Rebaño Chivas Gigantera school on a couple of occasions.

Since his arrival at the club, 'Pauno' has been permanently interested in getting to know in depth the internal structure of our institution and the area where he has been most involved from day one has been the #CanteraRojiblanca.

From the professional teams such as the Tapatío and the Subs, Veljko has taken on the task of spending time with all the categories and in recent days he has even been able to watch and actively participate in the training sessions of the younger ones, which are held at Club Deportivo Morelos.

During his visits, El Rebaño coach has been able to spend time with the players, parents and coaches, with whom he has confirmed that the Chivas values of fraternity, union and sports live on on a daily basis in all areas of the club.

en los entrenamientos de las más pequeñas, que tienen como sede el Club Deportivo Morelos.

En sus visitas, el estratega del Rebaño ha podido convivir con los jugadores, padres de familia y entrenadores, con quienes ha constatado que los valores de Chivas, la fraternidad, la unión y el deporte, viven en el día a día y en todas las áreas del club.


Position Teams Matches Points
11 8 8
12 7 8
13 8 8
14 7 7
15 8 7

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