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Where and how to watch the Tigres vs Chivas first leg Final!

25/05/2023 10:23 / Javier Quezada

Chivas have thrilled us throughout the Clausura 2023 and the best is just around the corner. This Thursday night, El Rebaño will face Tigres in the first leg of the Clausura 2023 Final and here are the options you have to watch it live, both in Mexico and in the United States.

Tigres vs Chivas
Thursday, May 25 / 8 PM
Universitario Stadium

- Television: Univision TUDN
- Internet: VIX

- Television: Channel 5 and TUDN.
- Internet: VIX


Position Teams Matches Points
11 8 8
12 7 8
13 8 8
14 7 7
15 8 7

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