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Where and how to watch Chivas vs Kansas City live!

31/07/2023 14:38 / Enrique Noriega

The time has come for Guadalajara to play for their lives against Kansas City in the Leagues Cup, the winner of this match will advance to the next round of the competition and we don't want you to miss any detail of this match, we are going to tell you where you can watch it live.

Kansas City vs Chivas
Leagues Cup
Monday, July 31 / 8:00 PM
Children's Mercy Park

- Stream: Apple TV MLS Season Pass and VIX
- Television: Channel 9

- Stream: Apple TV MLS Season Pass
- Television: Unimás and TUDN


Position Teams Matches Points
11 8 8
12 7 8
13 8 8
14 7 7
15 8 7

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